July 7, 2014

Ambulante CA

Help Diego, Gael and Canana to bring their documentary festival "Ambulante" to California! Here you can find all the information you need to help them:


Huge PLUS: For $150 you can hang out with Diego in Los Angeles!!! That`s right! If you pledge $150 or more you can attend a special party on September 20th (tentatively) in which Diego will be the guest of honor!

July 3, 2014

Diego`s new look!

Diego is back on the stage in Mexico City with his very successful play "Cada vez nos despedimos mejor". He started a new season last Saturday and he showed up sporting a new look:

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The Book Of Life

Hello everyone! We`re back with the amazing trailer of Diego`s new movie: The Book of Life! I`m sure this movie will be a great hit! Plus: Diego will be doing some singing on it!