Thanks Cris, as always, it´s a pleasure to read about Diego´s career and professional life. As the headline says "everything is going well". Good for him!!, I´m happy for that.
By the way, he is such a good director and good actor, I think. Have you ever seen a Diego´s film as a director? I still don´t, and I ought to. I´m discovering his filmography, films that I´ve never seen before since Dirty Dancing 2, such as "Rudo y Cursi", "Nicotina", "Criminal", "Open Range" or the delicious "Y tu Mamá También".
Well, I gotta go, I roll up a lot. I´m very chatterbox!! :-p I always go off at a tangent, I can´t help talking if Diego is the "topic of conversation".
Hola Cuore in Blue! Thanks for your comments! I love to read them! As much as I love reading Carole's and Cassie's. As you can imagine, I've seen almost all Diego's movies, including "Chavez", the documentary he made about the mexican boxer Julio Cesar Chavez, and "Abel", his first fictional movie, which is fantastic. You should try to find "Sólo Dios sabe". Diego is amazing in this movie and the story is beautiful. I'm sure you're going to love it! Saludos chica!
Yeahhhh, I´ve already seen it Cris. I enjoyed so much the story, very romantic and mystical, and specially the mixture of Mexican and Brazilian cultures and religions. Diego has good chemistry with Alice on the screen and as you said, he´s really amazing in the movie and surprised me how Diego speaks a little bit of Portuguese. What a man!! Thanks to Diego I´m discovering the comtemporary Mexican cinema, which I like it a bunch.
Nevertheless, some of his movies are difficult to find, but step by step I´ll get to see most of his filmography. There´s a movie I´d like to see for a long time but it´s a impossible mission, I can´t find it: "Un dulce olor a muerte". If you know something please...
Ola Chicas ! (I'm improving !) I'm very happy to see this topic discussed this morning , and I'm also very pleased that Cris have talked about "Solo dios sabe" , Gracias dios mio ! I don't know if this is a film for which Diego is proud , but he can be . I agree with you Cris , & for me , it's one of the best film I've ever seen in my life ! I just had to see it 35 times , and each time , you find to think about human nature , with new details that you had not seen before . You find in it a little bit your life , you experience , or your dreams ... Shamelessly , I dare to say that when my day is a bit "chaotic" , this film is a medicine , and when I switch off my DVD , I feel better for a long time . On the screen one finds all the feelings that the humans can be go through , regardless of cultures , it's a pure masterpiece , simply . I don't like all the films that Diego as turned , but averall , all the films have a something touching or disturbing . And I don't think that other actors in his position would make this films as human than he does (I'm not sure to be clear with my english .... ? But I'm improving , I'm improving !) And I love Abel , even if Diego is behind the camera .Did you saw it ?
Cuore in Blue , you can buy "un dulce odor a muerte" on this link (I hope it works) on E-bay :
In this film , I don't know if Cris agree , Diego looks like a little little boy ! He has come a long way , since ... and ourselves , too ... Sorry for so much words , but as you , when it's about our man ... Soon , girls !
I apologize again to be so much talkative , I just saw the lenght of my comment god , it's not a comment , it is 25 chapters of (soporific) literature !!! Cuore in Blue , I think , after checking my link , that it doesn't work . As I live in France , I don't find a single Diego's film . No one ! So , I found all his films on E-bay , or with more chances , on Price minister . I hope you will find your happiness ! (It was the minute of publicity ...) Kisses !
Hi girls! Cuore, as Carole said, you can try to find "Un dulce olor a muerte" on ebay. You can also try on I love "Sólo Dios sabe" for many reasons. The story is very sad, but beautiful, Diego and Alice have great chemistry (they dated for a year after the filming was done), and, of course, Diego speaking portuguese is so cute and hot at the same time! And please don't worry about the size of your comments. As I said before, I love to read them and I'm sure the other members and visitors love them too! Big kisses!
Hi Everyone, I just want to join in too I love coming here! I'm so glad there is an up to date diego website where us fans can interact and I love coming to see the news and comments! (no matter how long! LOL :)
I've been on a mission to see most of Diegos movies too. I just finally saw Mr. Lonely the other night and also parts of Carambola and Nicotina. Both of those didn't have english subtitles but I still liked seeing diego. I've seen Criminal (on you tube!) and I liked it too. I can also say Yes Solo Dios sabe is a great one - I bought it on and i loved it because his character is so sweet!!! though it is a sad film. I also own Y tu mama tambien and Solo queiro caminar (which I also loved because Diego was the nice bad guy hehe :) I've also got the Night Buffalo really cheap just so I could see why it got bad reviews?? I didn't think it was that bad. It has diego so thats all i cared about.
Unfortunately I haven't seen JC Chavez or Abel yet!! I want to rent Abel but I can't find it anywhere. I want to see how he directs so bad.
he's amazing what can I say! Love you girls I hope this blog can stay active for a long time :)
Hi Cassie! I loved "Sólo quiero caminar" too! Diego is so hot as the nice bad guy! He was up to a Goya (the Spanish Oscars) due to this movie. He didn't win, but he is amazing on it, and that's what matters to me. I've seen "Abel" on Netflix. Maybe you'll be able to find it there. About the pics, Diego's relationship with his father is so beautiful. I guess the fact that Don Alejandro had to be his father and mother caused a great impact on Diego's life and the way he sees life. I had the opportunity to talk to several people who met Diego in person and they all said that he is not just a great actor and professional, he is a great human being. My sister, who met him at the hotel she was staying in Mexico City a couple years ago, said that he looks you in the eye when you're talking to him and is very kind with everybody. Well, I'm totally biased when it comes to our boy, but from what I know about him, he is truly amazing. Kisses!
Wow! Diego inspires us in our comments!! Well, now it´s my turn. Since we´re talking about his movies I must say I´ve seen several, luckily. Until now, "Y tu mamá...", "Nicotina", "Rudo & Cursi", "El Búfalo...", "The Terminal", "Dirty Dancing", "Sólo Dios sabe", and yesterday I saw "Sólo quiero caminar". Of this movie what I liked the most (what a surprise!!) was Diego´s performance. The rest of the cast was... ouchh!!, including the Spanish actresses. In Spain we have better actresses than these with whom Diego worked. Diego really had a baby face and he was a hottie in this movie. In the following days I´ll watch "Open Range", "Carambola" and "Criminal" (in English, a challenge). Let´s see.
As Cassie pointed out (nice to meet you girl), "El Búfalo..." had bad reviews. I think because of the explicit sex scenes, not as explicit as those of "Y tu mamá.." which, on the other hand, were beautiful and very enjoyable to watch on the screen, with another Mexican hottie as Gael García Bernal. But Diego said about "El Búfalo..." (I read somewhere, don´t know where) that he was very proud of his work in this film, so who cares the reviews, for good or bad they may be?
Regarding "Sólo Dios Sabe" I didn´t know Diego & Alice were dating for a while after shooting the film; they made a good couple in fact. I loved how Diego performs in this movie (so lovely, so cute, so charming) and, I must confess, that I wished I could put in Alice´s shoes!! The truth is that everytime he appears on the screen I feel butterflies in my stomach. That´s the magic of cinema, I think, or of Diego´s charm.
By the way, thanks Cris for updating the post and sharing new pics of our dear Diego. What can I say that has not already been said? Oh yes, one thing: long life to this site and long comments as Bibles!! :p jaja..
And Carole, thanks to you for the link, I was searching for a way to see the film online, but many thanks. And keep on improving!!
Ah Cris!! your comments about your sister meeting Diego in a hotel gave me butterflies! I love hearing stories about people who have met him. I'm soo glad he is so nice and kind and not a jerk like other celebs. I think his father must be so proud! he did a great job with raising Diego for sure. I was thinking the only way I could ever meet him or be in his presence is if he came back to Toronto in the future for TIFF....we'll see!
I've checked netflix for his movies - I was able to see Rudo y Cursi on Canadas version of netflix but Abel doesn't come up when I do a search. :( Hopefully someday it will show up on there!
And hello Cuore in Blue!! nice to meet you too! I also read somwhere how Diego was proud of night bufalo, and i have to say i didn't mind it and I thought he did a great job. The only thing i didn't like about it was his random hook up with Rebeca out of nowhere. it was Camillas only scene and it just came and went and I just thought it was so weird that she wasn't in any other scenes but that one! lol. oh well. I liked Criminal when I saw it - Diego is really cute in it I think :) and Open range he was cute too. Jeez he's just hott in everything he does it doesn't matter haha. Anyways... enjoy watching those! and I agree being opposite of him in a movie would be a complete dream especially solo dios sabe ;)
I'm in late , France has a time difference (Ah. But we have the same hour in Spain , yet ..) I'm very excited to discover all your awesome comments today ! We all agree that diego fill up us of small butterflies when we see him , especially when he play a lover ... (yum) In my case , I liked all the films , but I just went next to something with "Night Buffalo" , a film for which I didn't understand the subtleties . I find it sad & black , but it's not meaningless . I wasn't really taken with "Carambola" either , but overall , I love the others. And I don't know if it's love , or madness (which is the same , no ?) or something else , but I like to see them dozens of time ! If I like most "Solo dios sabe" , it's because this film is full of paradoxes . Love , sorrow , distress and happiness . It's unclear to separate things , and the end is sad & happy in the same time , but I feel that it's the hope which win . It's very strong ! Moreover , it's one of those rare films in which Diego "insert" of some details which are very personal , such as photos of his mom , or his own story sometimes . It's not voyeurism , because fiction makes us forget all this . And all , from your comments , we dream of having the same story with him ... éhéhé , who said no ? On the other hand , I want to send a message : If anyone knows where I can find the soundtrack , or if you know one or several band which accompanied the scenes , thanks for your advice . I think it superb , with Brazilian connotations , it's good .
And Cris , it's true that when you speak about the encounter between Diego and your sister , I log off to dream a little , it seems so surreal ! I don't know how I could feel if I met him (with my little pocket dictionary ... wow ) And Cris , the photos daddy-Diego are beautiful . You are our dream's merchant ! Long life to our conversations , bisous , and Bye bye !
I just checked my spectacular entrance (hum) , sorry sorry , I think that "Ola queridas chicas" mean nothing , I confused 2 words . I'm training for the next Film Cannes Festival (maybe) but if Diego speaks better with his eyes , it suits me .
Did you noticed on the pictures above published , don't you feel this alchemy and this mutual admiration between father & son ? It's as if one wanted to pass his learning to another . Those two are immersed in the art circle since a long time , it's palpable . Cris is right , it's a very special relation .
Ola girls (I join Carole´s "ola" club) ;-) here I go again.
The fact that Diego is a nice, kind, and amazing person is not weird for me. I mean, I don´t meet him (what a pity, like I said some days ago, a big ocean separate us, more than linguistic barriers), but these things can be felt by watching videos and reading interviews about him. Of course, meeting him in real life is much, much better, and may be like dreaming being awake. That´s why I truly like watching his videos in Youtube, for example, just because I discover not only Diego Luna as a professional actor, but Diego Luna as a beautiful human being too (it´s more and less what Cris said, but without the miracle of meeting him at a hotel, jaja). With this I come up to the next conclusion: Dieguito Luna is a handsome, cultured man with a deep social conscience and morality. It´s a pleasure for my ears hearing him talking and talking about cinema, politics or life itself.
On the other hand I wanna leave a petition for this site: I´d like to know stories about people who have met Diego. I´d be jealous at that lucky people, but it doesn´t matter at all. The more I read/watch about Diego Luna, the more lunatic I feel. So, why don´t you girls make a compilation of these personal experiences?
At last but not least, Carole, please, tell me in which part of "Solo Dios Sabe" Diego "inserts" a photograph of his mum. When I saw the film I was wondering: Jesus!, that´s Diego´s life: the orphans´ story, the loss of his mother at a very early age... all fits.
Well ... I just think that his mother's pictures appear when Dolores enters in his bachelor apartment . On this scene in which he introduced her to meditation , before a small altar filled with candles , and mystic objects . I also believe that there is a small photo in his wallet , while Dolores rummage through it , in this seedy hotel . I think that's all , but maybe Cris , or someone who knows well , can confirm ? In any case , there are similarities , yes , no doubt . I add that it's not why I love this film , however , and I hope having answered clearly , Cuore in Blue . See you soon ...
Yeah, yeah, you explained pretty well dear Carole. I know which scene you´re talking about. The next time I watch the movie I´ll try to pay attention to it. Thanks a bunch.
Hola chicas! I'll see if I can write down what people who met Diego in person told me about their encounter with him. I'll talk to Heat about this. Thanks for the suggestion girls!
Regarding Diego's mom, around 5 years ago a mexican Tv channel did a special show about him in which they showed some pictures of her. Heat uploaded this special show on her dailymotion account. Here are the links to all the six parts of the show:
I find the idea of Cuore in Blue very cool , because the stories of those who have met Diego lift me above the ground , each time ! I'm anxious to see the accounts given by people . Unfortunately Cuore in Blue , myself I've never seen him . I had the opportunity to see him on the red carpet of Cannes 2011 for the presentaion of "Abel" , but my boss has preferred to see me at work (since , I resigned from my job & I see a psychologist .. no it's a joke) Anyway , in regard to Diego's mum , it was indeed a woman absolutely beautiful , with a lot charisma , I think (don't wonder more where it comes from with Dieguito ) But I find that with age , Diego looks more like his stylish daddy .
Wuakala!! (as Mexicans say), thanks Cris for sharing these videos, they´re amazing. The ones who best can describe Diego´s personality are the people who know him well: his friends, mates and family. It´s perfect!!.
I keep in mind these words from the videos (I´ll try to translate, more & less): "the secret of Diego´ success is a combination of adulthood & childhood, talent & luck, loneliness & affection. He doesn´t have a star, but a whole constellation behind him... Diego has gentleness, intelligence, glamor, audacity, a quite harmonious physical appearance..., as his friends point out "alma de gordito".
Isn´t it beautiful?
Plus what Diego says at the beginning: "The only way of living is stay where you wanna to stay".
I think I´m truly, deeply fall in love with Diego Luna, as a human being, as a man, as an actor.
ps: I also have a Dailymotion account with Diego´s videos. What a coincidence!!
thanks Cris for posting those video clips! I liked watching most of it - its hard when I don't know the spanish lol. Oh well. but thanks Cuore for some of the translation. he just becomes more and more amazing to me every day! Last night I popped Solo Dios Sabe into my player after all the talk of it yesterday. So good! my favorite scene - when they make out on top of the car in the rain. ;)
Thank you Cuore in Blue , for this magnificent translation , I would have enjoyed myself to write something so beautiful about him . It's true that I often say that this man is perfect , because it amuses me , but i also believe that if I (and we) love him as much , it's because he has weakness . Fragility is a great strength . And Cassie .... mm.... I wonder why you love so much this scene in the raining car ..... I hate the rain , but yes yes , in these conditions , it could suit me well.
Sorry but I insist , once again , do you know some pieces of music heard in this film ? Thanks , and bye bye !
A hot scene, but very exciting and romantic I think Cassie. I love that moment of the movie, the rain is very significant from the beginning... and the kisses!! OMG, I always say to myself that Diego must be a good kisser!!
Regarding the videos, you´re welcome for the translation Cassie. If it hadn´t been too long, I´d translate more. Nevertheless if you want to know what Diego says or the others at a specific point, just tell me, I´ll try to translate (more & less) again, I don´t mind. For Diego I´d do everything, and for you girls, more. I know I´m a kind of privileged on some ocassions because of the Spanish language which all of you don´t understand well, or partially understand.
Hi girls! Cassie, that's my favorite scene too! So intense and hot! Carole, I've tried to find the movie soundtrack for years and it's impossible! There is a song called "Saudade" (hard word to translate but it means "to miss someone" or "extrañar/echar de menos" in spanish) that I really love. There is a video on youtube with the movie scenes in which you can hear this song: And that's it. I don't know the names of any of the other songs on the movie soundtrack. Kisses!
Well , I admit that it's also one of my favorite scene , with the one which follows , when Dolores asked to Damian not to get on the plane (éhéhé , you know what I mean ?). In fact I've thousands of favorite scenes in this film , but the one under the rain , on the car , is perfect ! And this rain makes the moment more magic , well , I think . Thank you for the links , I will be able to listen some music notes , I feel I'll love it ! As you , Cris , I'm searching for this music without success (I will tell you if I end up to find something , maybe by miracle , in France ) I want to say thank you to everybody , thank you Cuore in Blue to propose a translation (better than my small pocket dictionnary) and most importantly , I want to say that all these little words & exchanges do my heart goooood ! I don't know what time it's in you , myself , I tell you goodnight !
Olaaa LunaChicas ! (Yes I've slept since yesterday !)
Perhaps that since we will no longer talk about "Solo Dios Sabe" during a long time , ... I have an irresistible urge to add one thing . First , for those who read us , I wanna say (that you can join us) and that , nooo , we aren't pueril girls . A little bit of lightness is good . I also say to diego (that he can join us , we never know , if he has a free time , éhéhé ) , and that we aren't pueril girls . A little bit of lightness is good .
About this film , have you noticed the look that Diego put down on Alice , in the car , when he tell her : "let's do as if nothing had happened if you want ". If you haven't seen this crazy look , go to see it ASAP . If you don't faint (which should be a surprise ) , you will go to work by singing , which is cooool ! This is the most beautiful look that I've never seen at cinema (and in real life ?) Ok , I leave you alone with this film , good day girls !
Oooh , Cris I'm delighted that you know what I mean ! It's good to understand between us without long speech ! And the most impressive in the eyes , at this precise minute , (yes I did the test) is that the effect is always the same , that you see it for the first time or the 50th time , incredible ! I still don't understand how he does ... I never found the same in none of the films he did later , it's a collector ! (Watching imperative to treat angina , sadness , headache or heardache ... ) Kisses !
Girls, now it´s my turn to talk about Diego´s way of looking. In "Solo Dios Sabe" the scene Carole described above is purely beautiful, needless to say the prior ones. But I die, metaphorically speaking, for Diego´s look (and face) at the airport, when Dolores says to Damian not to catch the plane. It´s tender & sweet at the same time unintentionally.
Once I read, not remember where and when, that Diego has sex in the eyes. Well, don´t misunderstand me, figuratively I mean. True or not, I like the expression and means, in my view, that Diego has power in the eyes, with a gaze he says all without words. When he looks you in the eyes, you surrender. Another example would be in "Y tu mamá también", in the last sex scene when Diego seems to have hungry eyes upon the woman and suddenly ... the kiss and the rest, you know what happened next. So exciting!!
Yeeees the scene at the airport is also good , and such scenes described by Cuore in Blue are fabulous . Actresses involved must be still in schock (....) Anyway , if I have to describe Diego , and that's what I say , from the first day where I saw him : He has the heart in his eyes , no doubt . If you think of other scenes , please , write them , I love remember them , don't you ?
Thanks Cris, as always, it´s a pleasure to read about Diego´s career and professional life. As the headline says "everything is going well". Good for him!!, I´m happy for that.
By the way, he is such a good director and good actor, I think. Have you ever seen a Diego´s film as a director? I still don´t, and I ought to. I´m discovering his filmography, films that I´ve never seen before since Dirty Dancing 2, such as "Rudo y Cursi", "Nicotina", "Criminal", "Open Range" or the delicious "Y tu Mamá También".
Well, I gotta go, I roll up a lot. I´m very chatterbox!! :-p I always go off at a tangent, I can´t help talking if Diego is the "topic of conversation".
Hola Cuore in Blue! Thanks for your comments! I love to read them! As much as I love reading Carole's and Cassie's. As you can imagine, I've seen almost all Diego's movies, including "Chavez", the documentary he made about the mexican boxer Julio Cesar Chavez, and "Abel", his first fictional movie, which is fantastic. You should try to find "Sólo Dios sabe". Diego is amazing in this movie and the story is beautiful. I'm sure you're going to love it! Saludos chica!
Yeahhhh, I´ve already seen it Cris. I enjoyed so much the story, very romantic and mystical, and specially the mixture of Mexican and Brazilian cultures and religions. Diego has good chemistry with Alice on the screen and as you said, he´s really amazing in the movie and surprised me how Diego speaks a little bit of Portuguese. What a man!! Thanks to Diego I´m discovering the comtemporary Mexican cinema, which I like it a bunch.
Nevertheless, some of his movies are difficult to find, but step by step I´ll get to see most of his filmography. There´s a movie I´d like to see for a long time but it´s a impossible mission, I can´t find it: "Un dulce olor a muerte". If you know something please...
¡¡Nos vemos!!
Ola Chicas ! (I'm improving !)
I'm very happy to see this topic discussed this morning , and I'm also very pleased that Cris have talked about "Solo dios sabe" , Gracias dios mio ! I don't know if this is a film for which Diego is proud , but he can be . I agree with you Cris , & for me , it's one of the best film I've ever seen in my life ! I just had to see it 35 times , and each time , you find to think about human nature , with new details that you had not seen before . You find in it a little bit your life , you experience , or your dreams ... Shamelessly , I dare to say that when my day is a bit "chaotic" , this film is a medicine , and when I switch off my DVD , I feel better for a long time . On the screen one finds all the feelings that the humans can be go through , regardless of cultures , it's a pure masterpiece , simply .
I don't like all the films that Diego as turned , but averall , all the films have a something touching or disturbing . And I don't think that other actors in his position would make this films as human than he does (I'm not sure to be clear with my english .... ? But I'm improving , I'm improving !)
And I love Abel , even if Diego is behind the camera .Did you saw it ?
Cuore in Blue , you can buy "un dulce odor a muerte" on this link (I hope it works) on E-bay :
In this film , I don't know if Cris agree , Diego looks like a little little boy ! He has come a long way , since ... and ourselves , too ...
Sorry for so much words , but as you , when it's about our man ... Soon , girls !
I apologize again to be so much talkative , I just saw the lenght of my comment god , it's not a comment , it is 25 chapters of (soporific) literature !!!
Cuore in Blue , I think , after checking my link , that it doesn't work . As I live in France , I don't find a single Diego's film . No one ! So , I found all his films on E-bay , or with more chances , on Price minister . I hope you will find your happiness !
(It was the minute of publicity ...)
Kisses !
Hi girls! Cuore, as Carole said, you can try to find "Un dulce olor a muerte" on ebay. You can also try on I love "Sólo Dios sabe" for many reasons. The story is very sad, but beautiful, Diego and Alice have great chemistry (they dated for a year after the filming was done), and, of course, Diego speaking portuguese is so cute and hot at the same time! And please don't worry about the size of your comments. As I said before, I love to read them and I'm sure the other members and visitors love them too! Big kisses!
Hi Everyone, I just want to join in too I love coming here! I'm so glad there is an up to date diego website where us fans can interact and I love coming to see the news and comments! (no matter how long! LOL :)
I've been on a mission to see most of Diegos movies too. I just finally saw Mr. Lonely the other night and also parts of Carambola and Nicotina. Both of those didn't have english subtitles but I still liked seeing diego. I've seen Criminal (on you tube!) and I liked it too.
I can also say Yes Solo Dios sabe is a great one - I bought it on and i loved it because his character is so sweet!!! though it is a sad film. I also own Y tu mama tambien and Solo queiro caminar (which I also loved because Diego was the nice bad guy hehe :)
I've also got the Night Buffalo really cheap just so I could see why it got bad reviews?? I didn't think it was that bad. It has diego so thats all i cared about.
Unfortunately I haven't seen JC Chavez or Abel yet!! I want to rent Abel but I can't find it anywhere. I want to see how he directs so bad.
he's amazing what can I say!
Love you girls I hope this blog can stay active for a long time :)
I forgot to comment on the pics - I love seeing Diego at work and talking with his dad smiling so big :) he's so gorgeous!
Hi Cassie! I loved "Sólo quiero caminar" too! Diego is so hot as the nice bad guy! He was up to a Goya (the Spanish Oscars) due to this movie. He didn't win, but he is amazing on it, and that's what matters to me. I've seen "Abel" on Netflix. Maybe you'll be able to find it there. About the pics, Diego's relationship with his father is so beautiful. I guess the fact that Don Alejandro had to be his father and mother caused a great impact on Diego's life and the way he sees life. I had the opportunity to talk to several people who met Diego in person and they all said that he is not just a great actor and professional, he is a great human being. My sister, who met him at the hotel she was staying in Mexico City a couple years ago, said that he looks you in the eye when you're talking to him and is very kind with everybody. Well, I'm totally biased when it comes to our boy, but from what I know about him, he is truly amazing. Kisses!
Wow! Diego inspires us in our comments!! Well, now it´s my turn. Since we´re talking about his movies I must say I´ve seen several, luckily. Until now, "Y tu mamá...", "Nicotina", "Rudo & Cursi", "El Búfalo...", "The Terminal", "Dirty Dancing", "Sólo Dios sabe", and yesterday I saw "Sólo quiero caminar". Of this movie what I liked the most (what a surprise!!) was Diego´s performance. The rest of the cast was... ouchh!!, including the Spanish actresses. In Spain we have better actresses than these with whom Diego worked. Diego really had a baby face and he was a hottie in this movie. In the following days I´ll watch "Open Range", "Carambola" and "Criminal" (in English, a challenge). Let´s see.
As Cassie pointed out (nice to meet you girl), "El Búfalo..." had bad reviews. I think because of the explicit sex scenes, not as explicit as those of "Y tu mamá.." which, on the other hand, were beautiful and very enjoyable to watch on the screen, with another Mexican hottie as Gael García Bernal. But Diego said about "El Búfalo..." (I read somewhere, don´t know where) that he was very proud of his work in this film, so who cares the reviews, for good or bad they may be?
Regarding "Sólo Dios Sabe" I didn´t know Diego & Alice were dating for a while after shooting the film; they made a good couple in fact. I loved how Diego performs in this movie (so lovely, so cute, so charming) and, I must confess, that I wished I could put in Alice´s shoes!! The truth is that everytime he appears on the screen I feel butterflies in my stomach. That´s the magic of cinema, I think, or of Diego´s charm.
By the way, thanks Cris for updating the post and sharing new pics of our dear Diego. What can I say that has not already been said? Oh yes, one thing: long life to this site and long comments as Bibles!! :p jaja..
And Carole, thanks to you for the link, I was searching for a way to see the film online, but many thanks. And keep on improving!!
Saludos y nos seguimos leyendo. Bye bye!!
Ah Cris!! your comments about your sister meeting Diego in a hotel gave me butterflies! I love hearing stories about people who have met him. I'm soo glad he is so nice and kind and not a jerk like other celebs. I think his father must be so proud! he did a great job with raising Diego for sure. I was thinking the only way I could ever meet him or be in his presence is if he came back to Toronto in the future for TIFF....we'll see!
I've checked netflix for his movies - I was able to see Rudo y Cursi on Canadas version of netflix but Abel doesn't come up when I do a search. :( Hopefully someday it will show up on there!
And hello Cuore in Blue!! nice to meet you too! I also read somwhere how Diego was proud of night bufalo, and i have to say i didn't mind it and I thought he did a great job. The only thing i didn't like about it was his random hook up with Rebeca out of nowhere. it was Camillas only scene and it just came and went and I just thought it was so weird that she wasn't in any other scenes but that one! lol. oh well.
I liked Criminal when I saw it - Diego is really cute in it I think :) and Open range he was cute too. Jeez he's just hott in everything he does it doesn't matter haha. Anyways... enjoy watching those!
and I agree being opposite of him in a movie would be a complete dream especially solo dios sabe ;)
Ola queridas chicas ! (getting better , I'm getting ready !)
I'm in late , France has a time difference (Ah. But we have the same hour in Spain , yet ..)
I'm very excited to discover all your awesome comments today ! We all agree that diego fill up us of small butterflies when we see him , especially when he play a lover ... (yum)
In my case , I liked all the films , but I just went next to something with "Night Buffalo" , a film for which I didn't understand the subtleties . I find it sad & black , but it's not meaningless . I wasn't really taken with "Carambola" either , but overall , I love the others. And I don't know if it's love , or madness (which is the same , no ?) or something else , but I like to see them dozens of time !
If I like most "Solo dios sabe" , it's because this film is full of paradoxes . Love , sorrow , distress and happiness . It's unclear to separate things , and the end is sad & happy in the same time , but I feel that it's the hope which win . It's very strong !
Moreover , it's one of those rare films in which Diego "insert" of some details which are very personal , such as photos of his mom , or his own story sometimes . It's not voyeurism , because fiction makes us forget all this . And all , from your comments , we dream of having the same story with him ... éhéhé , who said no ?
On the other hand , I want to send a message : If anyone knows where I can find the soundtrack , or if you know one or several band which accompanied the scenes , thanks for your advice . I think it superb , with Brazilian connotations , it's good .
And Cris , it's true that when you speak about the encounter between Diego and your sister , I log off to dream a little , it seems so surreal ! I don't know how I could feel if I met him (with my little pocket dictionary ... wow )
And Cris , the photos daddy-Diego are beautiful . You are our dream's merchant !
Long life to our conversations , bisous , and Bye bye !
I just checked my spectacular entrance (hum) , sorry sorry , I think that "Ola queridas chicas" mean nothing , I confused 2 words . I'm training for the next Film Cannes Festival (maybe) but if Diego speaks better with his eyes , it suits me .
Soon girls !
Did you noticed on the pictures above published , don't you feel this alchemy and this mutual admiration between father & son ? It's as if one wanted to pass his learning to another . Those two are immersed in the art circle since a long time , it's palpable . Cris is right , it's a very special relation .
Ola girls (I join Carole´s "ola" club) ;-) here I go again.
The fact that Diego is a nice, kind, and amazing person is not weird for me. I mean, I don´t meet him (what a pity, like I said some days ago, a big ocean separate us, more than linguistic barriers), but these things can be felt by watching videos and reading interviews about him. Of course, meeting him in real life is much, much better, and may be like dreaming being awake. That´s why I truly like watching his videos in Youtube, for example, just because I discover not only Diego Luna as a professional actor, but Diego Luna as a beautiful human being too (it´s more and less what Cris said, but without the miracle of meeting him at a hotel, jaja). With this I come up to the next conclusion: Dieguito Luna is a handsome, cultured man with a deep social conscience and morality. It´s a pleasure for my ears hearing him talking and talking about cinema, politics or life itself.
On the other hand I wanna leave a petition for this site: I´d like to know stories about people who have met Diego. I´d be jealous at that lucky people, but it doesn´t matter at all. The more I read/watch about Diego Luna, the more lunatic I feel. So, why don´t you girls make a compilation of these personal experiences?
At last but not least, Carole, please, tell me in which part of "Solo Dios Sabe" Diego "inserts" a photograph of his mum. When I saw the film I was wondering: Jesus!, that´s Diego´s life: the orphans´ story, the loss of his mother at a very early age... all fits.
See ya soon "lunáticas"
Well ... I just think that his mother's pictures appear when Dolores enters in his bachelor apartment . On this scene in which he introduced her to meditation , before a small altar filled with candles , and mystic objects .
I also believe that there is a small photo in his wallet , while Dolores rummage through it , in this seedy hotel .
I think that's all , but maybe Cris , or someone who knows well , can confirm ? In any case , there are similarities , yes , no doubt .
I add that it's not why I love this film , however , and I hope having answered clearly , Cuore in Blue .
See you soon ...
Yeah, yeah, you explained pretty well dear Carole. I know which scene you´re talking about. The next time I watch the movie I´ll try to pay attention to it. Thanks a bunch.
Hola chicas! I'll see if I can write down what people who met Diego in person told me about their encounter with him. I'll talk to Heat about this. Thanks for the suggestion girls!
Regarding Diego's mom, around 5 years ago a mexican Tv channel did a special show about him in which they showed some pictures of her. Heat uploaded this special show on her dailymotion account. Here are the links to all the six parts of the show:
As you can see, she was really beautiful. I think Diego is a mix of his parents. What do you girls think? Kisses!
I find the idea of Cuore in Blue very cool , because the stories of those who have met Diego lift me above the ground , each time !
I'm anxious to see the accounts given by people . Unfortunately Cuore in Blue , myself I've never seen him . I had the opportunity to see him on the red carpet of Cannes 2011 for the presentaion of "Abel" , but my boss has preferred to see me at work (since , I resigned from my job & I see a psychologist .. no it's a joke)
Anyway , in regard to Diego's mum , it was indeed a woman absolutely beautiful , with a lot charisma , I think (don't wonder more where it comes from with Dieguito )
But I find that with age , Diego looks more like his stylish daddy .
Wuakala!! (as Mexicans say), thanks Cris for sharing these videos, they´re amazing. The ones who best can describe Diego´s personality are the people who know him well: his friends, mates and family. It´s perfect!!.
I keep in mind these words from the videos (I´ll try to translate, more & less): "the secret of Diego´ success is a combination of adulthood & childhood, talent & luck, loneliness & affection. He doesn´t have a star, but a whole constellation behind him... Diego has gentleness, intelligence, glamor, audacity, a quite harmonious physical appearance..., as his friends point out "alma de gordito".
Isn´t it beautiful?
Plus what Diego says at the beginning: "The only way of living is stay where you wanna to stay".
I think I´m truly, deeply fall in love with Diego Luna, as a human being, as a man, as an actor.
ps: I also have a Dailymotion account with Diego´s videos. What a coincidence!!
thanks Cris for posting those video clips! I liked watching most of it - its hard when I don't know the spanish lol. Oh well. but thanks Cuore for some of the translation. he just becomes more and more amazing to me every day!
Last night I popped Solo Dios Sabe into my player after all the talk of it yesterday. So good! my favorite scene - when they make out on top of the car in the rain. ;)
Thank you Cuore in Blue , for this magnificent translation , I would have enjoyed myself to write something so beautiful about him . It's true that I often say that this man is perfect , because it amuses me , but i also believe that if I (and we) love him as much , it's because he has weakness .
Fragility is a great strength .
And Cassie .... mm.... I wonder why you love so much this scene in the raining car .....
I hate the rain , but yes yes , in these conditions , it could suit me well.
Sorry but I insist , once again , do you know some pieces of music heard in this film ? Thanks , and bye bye !
lol, i guess I just thought it was a hot scene. and given Diego I would not be picky with the surroundings ;)
éhéhéhé , yes Cassie , we agree ! ;D
A hot scene, but very exciting and romantic I think Cassie. I love that moment of the movie, the rain is very significant from the beginning... and the kisses!! OMG, I always say to myself that Diego must be a good kisser!!
Regarding the videos, you´re welcome for the translation Cassie. If it hadn´t been too long, I´d translate more. Nevertheless if you want to know what Diego says or the others at a specific point, just tell me, I´ll try to translate (more & less) again, I don´t mind. For Diego I´d do everything, and for you girls, more. I know I´m a kind of privileged on some ocassions because of the Spanish language which all of you don´t understand well, or partially understand.
Have a nice day "lunáticas" !!
Oh yep, and you´re welcome too Carole, don´t believe I forgot you sweetheart.
The music in the movie? I loved it, but unfortunately I don´t have a clue.
Hi girls! Cassie, that's my favorite scene too! So intense and hot! Carole, I've tried to find the movie soundtrack for years and it's impossible! There is a song called "Saudade" (hard word to translate but it means "to miss someone" or "extrañar/echar de menos" in spanish) that I really love. There is a video on youtube with the movie scenes in which you can hear this song: And that's it. I don't know the names of any of the other songs on the movie soundtrack. Kisses!
Girls, since we´re talking about "Solo Dios Sabe" let me recommend you this:
The more I see it, the more I like it. The song is not from the original soundtrack, but it fits well with the footage.
Enjoy !!
Well , I admit that it's also one of my favorite scene , with the one which follows , when Dolores asked to Damian not to get on the plane (éhéhé , you know what I mean ?).
In fact I've thousands of favorite scenes in this film , but the one under the rain , on the car , is perfect ! And this rain makes the moment more magic , well , I think .
Thank you for the links , I will be able to listen some music notes , I feel I'll love it ! As you , Cris , I'm searching for this music without success (I will tell you if I end up to find something , maybe by miracle , in France )
I want to say thank you to everybody , thank you Cuore in Blue to propose a translation (better than my small pocket dictionnary) and most importantly , I want to say that all these little words & exchanges do my heart goooood !
I don't know what time it's in you , myself , I tell you goodnight !
Olaaa LunaChicas ! (Yes I've slept since yesterday !)
Perhaps that since we will no longer talk about "Solo Dios Sabe" during a long time , ... I have an irresistible urge to add one thing . First , for those who read us , I wanna say (that you can join us) and that , nooo , we aren't pueril girls . A little bit of lightness is good .
I also say to diego (that he can join us , we never know , if he has a free time , éhéhé ) , and that we aren't pueril girls . A little bit of lightness is good .
About this film , have you noticed the look that Diego put down on Alice , in the car , when he tell her : "let's do as if nothing had happened if you want ".
If you haven't seen this crazy look , go to see it ASAP . If you don't faint (which should be a surprise ) , you will go to work by singing , which is cooool !
This is the most beautiful look that I've never seen at cinema (and in real life ?)
Ok , I leave you alone with this film , good day girls !
OMG Carole! That's my favorite Diego look! He looks so hot and cute at the same time! Thanks for reminding me of that scene! Kisses!
Oooh , Cris I'm delighted that you know what I mean ! It's good to understand between us without long speech ! And the most impressive in the eyes , at this precise minute , (yes I did the test) is that the effect is always the same , that you see it for the first time or the 50th time , incredible ! I still don't understand how he does ... I never found the same in none of the films he did later , it's a collector ! (Watching imperative to treat angina , sadness , headache or heardache ... ) Kisses !
Sorry I wanted to say , headache and heartache ! Kisses again !
I know that look too!! he looked so sad and cute at the same time I was like awwwww! you just wanna hug him :)
Girls, now it´s my turn to talk about Diego´s way of looking. In "Solo Dios Sabe" the scene Carole described above is purely beautiful, needless to say the prior ones. But I die, metaphorically speaking, for Diego´s look (and face) at the airport, when Dolores says to Damian not to catch the plane. It´s tender & sweet at the same time unintentionally.
Once I read, not remember where and when, that Diego has sex in the eyes. Well, don´t misunderstand me, figuratively I mean. True or not, I like the expression and means, in my view, that Diego has power in the eyes, with a gaze he says all without words. When he looks you in the eyes, you surrender. Another example would be in "Y tu mamá también", in the last sex scene when Diego seems to have hungry eyes upon the woman and suddenly ... the kiss and the rest, you know what happened next. So exciting!!
But that´s another stuff, right?
C U "Lunáticas"
Yeeees the scene at the airport is also good , and such scenes described by Cuore in Blue are fabulous . Actresses involved must be still in schock (....)
Anyway , if I have to describe Diego , and that's what I say , from the first day where I saw him : He has the heart in his eyes , no doubt .
If you think of other scenes , please , write them , I love remember them , don't you ?
Sorry I wanted to say "in shock" ... (not in "schock", which mean nothing) .... but I'm getting better , I'm getting better.......
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