Diego and Camila went on a romantic date last Saturday night in LA. The paparazzi caught them leaving the Roosevelt Hotel on Hollywood Blvd.
Here are some pictures and a video of them:
You can find more pictures here and on camilasodionline.com.
I'm going to prepare a Tequila Sunrise , to forget that i'm not on the passenger seat (éhéhé)
There are days , diego looks at Camila by this so lovely way that we would like to know that . And he looks at her by this so lovely way that we realize that the inside of a car can be sexy (revelation of the day) . No no no I don't cry , i cut 3 onions ( yes once again i know that we don't put oinion in Tequila , don't ask ANY question )
Hi again.
When it rains on sidewalks of the bus stop it makes me want to see the sea , and it makes me want to see diego (more difficult)
So this morning i saw again the video . i think , girls , that when you're in a blue car next to Diego Luna , and that you hear the paparazzi who shout to you "Good niiiiight !" (yes yes listen carefully...) 3 hypotheses : it's time to take medicine , or you have confused his car with a taxi , or else the alarm clock will sound and you'll wake up .
On this , then , i wish you a good day in the middle of ordinary mortals . No i don't cry . This is the onion .
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