June 7, 2012

More on set pictures and new video interview

I found a bunch of new pictures of Diego on the movie set. On Tuesday, Diego and the cast hold a press conference in one of the movie's locations.

June 1st, 2012 (Thanks to our amazing friend Luz Maria for sending us these pics!)

June 5th, 2012

June 6th, 2012

Video of the press conference (in spanish):


Carole said...

What an avalanche of photos , all as luminous as the others one , Cris !
Rosario Dawson is really pretty . France is interested about this character on the filming , it appears that she's a very funny girl. I really searched on internet but I can't discover what role she will have in the film .

I believe that the phenomenon "Chavez" will come to my country , the world of cinema speaks a little about it , this is a first !

Diego has a childish look in the video , I literally melts. When I look at him by talking ( I can't do both ) i know forever that there is not 2 Diego Luna in this world .
He's so hot...uh... cute , as a producer .

Wish a good day to everybody !

_Cuore in Blue_ said...

Mr. Malkovich is a huge fan of Diego!! Wow, what a compliment. This makes Diego to be very proud of what he´s doing as a director. Go Dieguito, GO!!

Carole, I agree: Diego has a beautiful childish look here, but I must add that he even, in my view of course, has an angel face. I´d like to pinch his cheeks (lovingly) at this moment!!

Peace & love for all from Cuore.